Slhljlin Heating&Warming Equipment Portable Stadium Seat Heated Seat Cushion Extra Wide Heated Stadium Seat Upgrade 3 Level Heated Foldable Chairs For Bleachers (Mobile Power Not included) (Black )
Original price was: $56.81.$17.59Current price is: $17.59.Save $39.22
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Durability: Outdoor gear typically possesses strong durability, able to withstand the challenges of outdoor environments such as sunlight, rain, and friction. They are crafted from high-quality materials and excellent manufacturing techniques to ensure they resist wear and tear over extended periods of use. Portability: Designed with outdoor activities in mind, outdoor gear is often lightweight and easy to carry. They are made from lightweight materials and feature compact designs to facilitate convenient transportation and usage without adding unnecessary burden to the user. Waterproofness: Due to the influence of weather in outdoor activities, outdoor gear commonly features waterproof or water-resistant properties, effectively blocking the penetration of rainwater or moisture. This characteristic enables outdoor gear to stay dry in rainy or humid conditions, enhancing user comfort and safety. Breathability: To improve comfort, many outdoor products feature breathability, allowing them to expel moisture and heat from the body, maintaining dryness and ventilation inside. This feature enables outdoor gear to keep users comfortable during extended activities, reducing discomfort and fatigue. Versatility: Outdoor gear often boasts versatility, adapting to different outdoor activities and environmental needs. They are designed to be flexible and adaptable, suitable for hiking, camping, mountaineering, fishing, and various other scenarios, meeting the diverse requirements of users. Material: 600D Oxford cloth size: 38 X 34 X 9cm(14.96 X 13.39 X 3.54inch)
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Brand | SLHLJlin |
Color | Black |
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